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The Rules to the SSBCG may appear complex, but I garuntee if you have played Super Smash Brothers, they will be come clear when you start playing.



What you need to play :-


Roster Cards

Action Cards

Rule Card

Life Counters

Health Counters

Dice - Recommended 10x Dice. (playing with just one dice will take a while)


You can download the PDFs at -




The aim of the game is to be the last man standing in this frantic fighting card game.


To begin, each player is given 2 life counters. Each player must then pick a character card out of the roster cards.


To begin the game, shuffle the action cards and deal each player 5 of them at random and place the remaining cards in the centre of the play area.


Then, each player must roll a dice and whoever rolls the highest number takes their turn first, then continue clockwise.


When it is your turn, you must carry out these commands in order.


1) Draw a card

2) Use any Action Cards - (if you use a smash card your turn ends here)

3) Standard attack & Special attack

4) If you have more than 7 cards discard some!




Phase 1 - Draw a card

If the action card pile is empty, shuffle the discard pile and make a new draw pile. Draw a card from the draw pile and add it to your hand. The cards in your hand are kept secret from other players.


Phase 2 - Use Action cards

In your hand you are holding action cards. In this phase of your turn you may use as many of them as you wish. You cannot use the SPECIAL cards, (the ones with a smash ball on,) until it is phase 3 of your turn.


Phase 3 - Standard Attack & Special attack

Here is where the dice come into play. On each character card there is an attack number and a defend number. This number represents the number of dice you use when attacking or defending.


Choose a player to attack, and roll the required number of dice according to your character. The defending opponent rolls the number of dice their character requires.


Each successful dice roll against an opponent is a +10% damage counter on that opponent.


For example, if you attack with 4 dice and all numbers are higher than the defending dice, all 40% damage is given to the defending character. If the number of defending dice are lower than attacking dice, in this example 2 dice are rolled to defend, +20% is automatically given to the opponent as it is impossible to defend against those missing dice attacks.


When an attacking and defending dice roll is equal, the attacking player will succeed in their attack. So if both players roll a 4, the player who is attacking would win the +10% onto the defending player.


During this phase, you can spend your special cards to use each characters unique abilities. The only exception is if a characters unique ability is used as a reaction to an attack or item card used against them. In that circumstance a player may use his special cars outside of phase 3.


Phase 4 - Too many cards in your hand?

If a player is holding more than 7 cards in their hand they must discard some until they have 7. You get to choose which to discard.




Smashing an opponent so they loose a life.


When a 'SMASH ATTACK' card is used against you, you always roll with 3x dice. (Or one dice 3 times if you don't have 3 dice). Depending on the 3 numbers and your accumulated damage % dictates if you loose a life or not.


Over the course of the game characters will accumulate damage %. The more they accumulate the more difficult it is for them to survive when a 'SMASH ATTACK' card is used against them.


Use the Rule Card (which is not to be shuffled into the decks) or the 'SMASH ATTACK' card to work out your likelihood of survival.


A Characters weight is indicated by a feather, Man or Dumbbell in the upper right hand corner of a character card. Matching the defending characters weight with the Chart on the Rule card will help you work out your chances of survival when a SMASH ATTACK card is used against you.


EG,  If a feather weight is on 50% damage, and a smash card us used against them. The Defending feather weight character must roll 3x Dice. If the dice read, 1,2,5 - The defending character looses a life, because they did not roll more than 3 on 2 dice. If the dice read 3,2,6 - They survived and do not loose a life as 2 or more dice were over the threshold of '3' for that percentage of damage.


When an action card refers to "RECOVERY” or “RECOVER” it is as if the card was also a 'SMASH ATTACK' card.




The player who does not loose all their lives is the winner.




I can’t always fit the correct terminology on the cards due to space. If there is doubt on how to use a card, think about how that item is used in the Console version of the game and try to mimic that as much as possible. EG, Bombs have a risk of hurting your self, then that is true with the cards. If there is no risk to the user, but the terminology may be interpreted as having risk to the card holder, then it probably won’t have risk attached even though it does not say it on the card.




Have fun!


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